Announcing the Marriage of Kimberly Nicole Martin to William Everitt Hopkins, Esq.
Announcing the Marriage of Kimberly Nicole Martin to William Everitt Hopkins, Esq.
In 2019, Kim had been splitting her time between Austin and the Bay Area, primarily focusing on work and family planning. Bill had been focused on career and philanthropy at that time. So, although we first met on a faux date back then, nothing came of it. There were lots of logistical hurdles and the years just passed us by.
In early 2021, Kim returned to Austin to live full time, but was still focused on other things. It wasn't until late 2022 that she decided to incorporate romance into her life again, unaware of how she would balance that with work and two littles. Fortunately for Kim, Bill had still been unsuccessful in finding a real connection with anyone who could be a life partner, yet he was still optimistic about finding his forever love, his better half.
The stars aligned and Kim sought Bill's attention through manipulation of a mutual friend. On their second faux date, almost 3 years after the first set up, the connection was obvious, although neither of us knew we were on a date, and Kim swears that Bill misread her extremely obvious signals, costing us a genuine, rom-com movie calibre first kiss moment. (Bill obviously remember this part of our story very differently.)
Fortunately, at least Bill was brave enough to walk Kim to her car and ask her out on a real date. Kim said yes, and... he ghosted her for a week!
Our actual, legitimate, proper first date took place a few days post ghosting, and our chemistry was undeniable. Our first kiss was quite memorable, and we both left the date knowing that it would be our last first date ever.
We pretty quickly declared our love for each other, moved in together, and wham! (see what we did there?) our beautiful son, Banner, was born (and we couldn't be more in love with him).
We are extremely happy. Still wildly in love with each other and the life we are building together. We spend our energy traveling the world, learning from each other, indulging our shared love of live music, festivals, broadway musicals, sports, trashy TV, super hero movies, and raising our children.
We are dedicated to continuously learning about each other and how to remain amazing life partners, and to creating a loving environment for our family as we plan for a dazzlingly bright future.
We have already created so many wonderful memories for ourselves and our family, and we are committed to fueling a lifetime of happiness.